TikTok in US Crosshairs: Sell or Be Banned?

TikTok in US Crosshairs: Sell or Be Banned?

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US lawmakers consider banning TikTok or forcing its sale over security concerns.

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170 million Americans use TikTok, making it a major platform and a potential security risk. 

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A ban could spark outrage, while forcing a sale presents logistical and political challenges.

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ByteDance, TikTok's owner, insists it's not a Chinese firm and refutes data security fears. 

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US fears China might use TikTok to access user data and spy on Americans.

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Routing US data through Oracle and assurances from Singaporean CEO aim to calm US anxieties.

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Estimates suggest TikTok's US business could be worth $100 billion, but a forced sale might bring a lower price.

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Finding a buyer with the resources and navigating anti-trust concerns are major hurdles.

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